Twenty minutes have since past and I am still unable to access the site! Not looking good for Rollyo!!
Still, be it curiosity or stupidity I will persist, as from what I have been able to read about the site and its functions, this is something that I could see myself using in the classroom. So at this stage I will save this post as a draft and try again later today - fingers crossed! [12.52pm Sunday 8 May].
Well finally success! And it is only just after 3.30!
Have just registered for Rollyo and have already been in and have "rolled my own", creating a search for an investigation that we do in Term Four on Antarctica. I must say, I found it all very easy, once I was able to get into the site. A few copy and pastes later and I was away!
I have already tried linking to my Rollyo search from my wiki and found that I had to make the search public in order for students to be able to access it, though in hindsight that seem quite logical really! I really like the way that Rollyo presents the results of each search, very kids friendly. I also am also a fan of the amount of text provided about each of the search results for the students to read through, a plus in helping them to hone their scanning skills.
Something that is so simple and easy to use, Rollyo was definitely worth the wait - a resounding yes from me!
Well finally success! And it is only just after 3.30!
Have just registered for Rollyo and have already been in and have "rolled my own", creating a search for an investigation that we do in Term Four on Antarctica. I must say, I found it all very easy, once I was able to get into the site. A few copy and pastes later and I was away!
Something that is so simple and easy to use, Rollyo was definitely worth the wait - a resounding yes from me!
So pleased you persisted & found an application which sounds like it will be very handy for you.