Sunday, 15 May 2011

Task #21 - YouTube and TeacherTube

I have long been a search fan of YouTube, and to a lesser degree TeacherTube, for videos to use with my Year 6 class.  We are fortunate in the the College were I work has enabled access to both of these resources for staff but they still remain blocked for general student use, for what I am sure we can all agree are some valid reasons.  The debate as to whether or not students should be given access to this site within in school hours is a one largely beyond my control but with the development of sites such as it really isn't that much of drama to download the video and place it in a wiki or the like so that students can access video footage you would like them to see.  I guess though that raises the next issue of copyright and the Internet doesn't it...what a minefield that is.

With sites such as YouTube it is amazing how the ideology of Web 2.0 has really taken off.  It certain is medium through which anyone, anywhere can find their 15 minutes of fame!  The notion that anyone can upload and share with such a massive audience is really quite hard to comprehend.

Currently I am conducting a cyber awareness and safety unit with my class that does actually incorporate the content of one of the video Dione has listed for viewing in this week's break down - Think before you post.  I guess one concern I have about sites such as YouTube is that amount of uploading that occurs without due consideration of the potential future implications of that content.  The same goes for general social networking sites and the photos and videos that are uploaded there as well.  Awareness is the key and there are some great sites out there for kids both young and old, but I have found just even bringing up issues such as these with my students to be eye opening for both them and myself.  I am constantly amazed with just how much my kids are doing online and they are only eleven!  Everyone I speak with says when they think back to being eleven that they are amazed how today's eleven year olds are some more informed and mature than they were.  In my experience, however, the truth is that they are still eleven and are deep down still as trusting as we were when we were eleven.  I have placed the following video that I did find on YouTube and do use with my kids as part of our cyber awareness unit and I can tell you they are just as surprised at how quickly and easily the events unfold as I am sure anyone who views it will as well.

In conclusion, I think YouTube, and other sites like it, are fabulous resources and finding myself dealing with increasing number of visual learners in my classroom I find the ability to vary my lesson delivery and use video to introduce, consolidate or reflect on the lesson content quite powerful.  Truly there is nothing you cannot find on YouTube...if you have the time to search.  Arrhhh, TIME!  The great pitfall of the Internet and Web 2.0 applications!!! 

PS:  If like me time seems to constantly be your challenge when online, I did find a timer that you can set to alert you to the time spent the web can Minutes Please - feel free to check it out!

PPS:  Great to see Sir Ken making the list of this week's videos to check out.  I highly recommend them to anyone who has seen him speak yet!  Another great Ted video you can find on YouTube is below and is presented by Charles Leadbeater.  He looks at the role of technology in education in some of the poorest places in the world.  Definitely worth a look!


  1. Thanks for the extra links - I'll enjoy exploring them.

  2. Great links Misty. Thanks for sharing.
